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作者: 来源: 发表时间:2009-1-13 10:40:27 浏览:


Long awaited final look of the building that stands in the row of previous experiments in designing commercial architecture of high standard design on the narrow and complicated plots between the highway ring of the city and the old train railway is visible to the panoramatic views on the right bank of the Danube river. The tension to produce a piece of contemporary architecture was strong also due to the fact the adjacent Atrium building was a building of the year in local architectural competitions. The reply to this challenge is successful in providing a smart and light weighted version of the sport and wellness centre that seemingly contrasts the gravity rules. Standing on naked concrete legs and being still in a frozen movement of its elevated horizontal body the objects plays a role of a new attractor to the site. It offers two way views - both to its unusual form wrapped in metallic skin and from its inner wellness zones and swimming pools situated on elevated levels outside towards the historical panorama of the city on the oher bank of the river. Difficult situation ended up in brave architectural gesture.

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·2021第十五届“创意中国”设计大奖 征稿章程

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